How long are your services?

While exact times may vary, our services last about 90 minutes (however, we are Pentecostals!)

How should I dress?

Come as you are, you will see members in suits and dresses as well as jeans and t-shirts.

What is the music like?

Here at Christpoint, we appeal to a broad variety of audiences with a more contemporary service occurring on Sunday mornings, and more traditional on Sunday nights.

Do you have childcare services?

Yes, we offer nursery and children’s church on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Our children’s ministry staff go through extensive background checks to ensure the safety of your children.

Do you offer baby dedications?

Yes, we offer baby dedications on a quarterly basis. More information can be found at our Information Point.

What about communion and water baptism?

Communion is served on the last Sunday of each month, and baptisms are performed once a quarter.

Is Christpoint handicapped accessible?

Yes, there is plenty of reserved parking around the building and all of our facilities are handicap accessible.

What kind of church is this?

We are a Pentecostal church, and we in fellowship with the Pentecostal Church of God out of Bedford Texas. For more information, please see our doctrine of faith page and visit www.pcg.org.

How do I get involved?

Involvement begins….

1. Fill out a Connection Card
Provided in Service or at the Information Point (where you will receive a free gift). Our connection cards provide an introduction, and tell us how we can better serve you and your family. You may expect a welcoming phone call and a card fro our pastoral staff
2. Visit the Information Point
This is located near the main entrance. you will be directed to the Connection Point to receive your free gift and meet the Pastor.
3. Attend a Welcome Lunch
This is a time for you to meet the staff and learn more about our church.
4. Starting Point Class
This is an 8-week class that takes place during Growth Point. In this class you’ll learn about the history of Christpoint, basic beliefs, and discover your personal gifts. This class is required if you desire to become a member, to serve, or to be water baptized
5. Now you’re ready to serve
Following completion of the class, you will fill out an iServe form. After which a staff member will contact you to discuss available opportunities for service.

Who do I call if I need prayer?

We have a care team that will pray and also make hospital visitations. You can call our directors, Larry & Judy Hartman at 417.317.2802

How do I give?

All giving is voluntary. You can either give in our worship services, or you can give online HERE.